
There were a total of three books written by John in his lifetime. Two of which were published while he was still alive, the third not. If you haven't got the chance to read these books, I highly suggest you do.

All of John's writing pieces are considered to be literary nonsense. That's not me insulting it, that's literally what says. I love his style of writing, and I think you can tell the similarity between his books and his music—specifically with his great use of word play. His books contained his drawings, poetry, and short stories.

In His Own Write, published in 1964.

A Spaniard in the Works, published in 1965.

Skywriting by Word of Mouth, published in 1986.

There are many books published about John Lennon as well! Though I haven't read all of them, the ones that I do recommend can be found on the resources page in the "books" section. It's always being updated as I find more. If you have any recommendations yourself, feel free to drop a message on my profile.

Number Nine Dream, est. 2024.
