Below are some links for informational sources regarding John Lennon!
John Lennon
John Lennon's Official Website
The Official John & Yoko Forum - For All Citizens of Nutopia
A 1989 short documentary about John Lennon's artwork, specifically Bag One.
Promotional video for John Lennon's second literary work, "A Spaniard in the Works", released 1965.
An animated video using designs of John Lennon's drawings, with his music as the background.
John Lennon Buying a Cottage (1971)
Footage of John Lennon buying a cottage. Not as mundane as it sounds!
A very insightful interview into Cynthia's perspective of her and John's relationship. If you can't read her book (John, by Cynthia Lennon) this would be a good resource.
Read Loving John by May Pang for free!
Skywriting by Word of Mouth by John Lennon
Read John Lennon's third literary installment, Skywriting by Word of Mouth for free!
Information about the Lennons! (
Number Nine Dream, est. 2024.